
Small Comfort - a series of paintings in progress

Stranger is a Relative Term, oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches


White Easter

Easter 2008; a view from the studio window

Wishing all of you a Blessed Easter and Springtime! Thank you for visiting here.


Small Comfort

If you could Try to Try, there would be no End to It, oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches

I saw these blooms Saturday near Nine Mile Creek - just before it goes into the Minnesota River. They're Skunk Cabbage and are named so for good reason. Ken Arndt, from the Minnesota Native Plant Society, led a field trip out to this special spot. I really needed a sign that spring is coming - this helped tremendously!


Small Comfort

Unless You're underwater - or underground - or in the air, You're on Top of the World, oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches
- with special thanks to Sus for encouraging me to keep posting now and then