

coneflower painting in progress, oil on canvas, 20 x 16 inches

The clip on top of the easel used to have bright-green-plastic tips and handles. I'm so much happier now that they're off. I painted the clips a nice-dull brown too. It's all about the little things.


a christian said...

i like the tension between the stem and string as supporting structures. It's an interaction that can be felt rather than just observed.

Mary Klein said...

Thank you, a_christian - I really appreciate your comments.

Steven LaRose said...

solar wind

Steven LaRose said...

ok, that is too obtuse of a comment, but still, I sense Physics 101 in this painting.

Mary Klein said...

It was years ago, I took Physics 103 and Physics 202 - at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. I suppose some of that could still be hanging around.

Thanks for the comments, Steven - and for bringing back some memories.