
north light

on the easel; casein on panel; 9" x 12"

This will be a quiet painting.  The mood is the subject here more than anything else.  I'm working in North light so I can take my time with this one.  It's nice not to have to rush for once - and to slowly resolve the patches of color into something peaceful - something restful.  It might be finished tomorrow - we'll see.


Jan said...

Looking forward to seeing where you take this!

Mary Klein said...

Thanks, Jan!

As it turns out, the leaf gave me quite the challenge. I'm wondering if I chose too difficult a pose - or maybe I just need to paint dead leaves for a month and figure this out:) You'll see tomorrow as it's done now and waiting to be photographed. It's too big to put in my scanner so I need to wait for daylight for it to be photographed.