
while at my (tidied) studio table

The water container I use - for painting in watercolor and casein - is a spherical one.  When full of clean water, it becomes a lens that flips the image behind it both vertically and horizontally.  I learned that this morning - both empirically and upon hearing it explained by my sweetie.

Before I left for a 4 day road trip (four days ago) I cleaned my water bowl.  I didn't clean or tidy anything else in my studio.  Leaving a pristine-spherical bowl of water in the middle of the table made everything else in the room seem sparkling.  It was enough.

This morning when looking for a drawing idea, the manikin called out to me - through the water - upside down - and backwards.  Everything else on the table - save manikin and bowl - needed to vacate.  What came about is the little drawing below - and a tidier table.

Manikin Refracted; graphite and conte on toned paper; 5.5" x 8.5"

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