
frame up

framing idea for 6" x 9.75" casein on board
Here's a rough idea for framing for exhibition.  The frame is a simple-pine-presentation one (16" x 20") from Blick's.  And the mat is archival-black-core-alabaster-wheat - also from Blick's. 
My initial reaction is positive except that there seems to be a lot of mat showing.
If I were to paint larger - say, 8" x 13" - that would reduce the mat area by quite a bit.  I could also go with a smaller frame.  The next-smaller-conventionally-sized frame would be 11" x 14".  The painting above, then, would be surrounded in about a third of the mat area - as seen above. 
Complicated - no?  That's why I'm taking some time out to actually put some of these paintings on the wall as if they were being exhibited.  It forces me to revisit my mat cutting skills, check out how other artists are framing and exhibiting works on watercolor board, imagine how it might be to hurriedly frame competition-plein-air paintings directly from easel to show and last, but not least, to evaluate the aesthetics.  It may also influence the sizes of the next 60 paintings.

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