
easy . to . fly

I remember these from years ago. Some had "rubber-band motors," some rubber-band-on-a-stick catapults and, like this one, some were simply meant to be thrust by hand. None cost as much as this one, though. They were 15 to 20 cents, if my memory serves me. (I'm just now realizing there's no longer a "cents" symbol on my keyboard. When did that happen?)

My plan now is to finish the latest teacup painting while I steal glances of this glider suspended nearby.


Anonymous said...

I loved these things.

There was one old 99 cents shop I used to go to - in New Jersey - one summer.... It was full of these, many types, and so many other wonderful cheap toys. I collected them all.

I also have old books and magazines for children - all from the 20s and 30s - which tell you how to make your own, with patterns.


Mary Klein said...

I just took it out and assembled it. The careful way you need to coax those pieces apart really took me back again. It's up now near my easel spinning gently.

I'm glad you wrote about the patterns. I'd have never thought of that - being a child of the 60's. Now I'll know what to look for next on eBay. Thanks, Eva.

Anonymous said...

I just bought a few magazines called The Instructor - for teachers. They are all from the late 30s and are full of rainy day projects, patterns to contruct or sew or build something.... Before the advent of TV or computers. Really marvelous.


Mary Klein said...

I just looked on eBay - they've got a few listed under "magazines back issues." I have a feeling I would love getting lost sifting through them.

Kind of ironic that I'm learning about something "before the advent of TV or computers" via a computer. And that I'm able to find them so easily and purchase them via that same computer.

Will your magazines become part of your collage work? Or do you just like to collect things like that?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get them all to collage, to cut up. I am not sure what I will do with these, save that there are many art repros of a grainy quality - very nice indeed.

There are very few magazines I have kept, and they are all artists magazines, fanzines.

I guess one thing that attracted me to all the children's games is that now I am a grandmum and will be able to do projects with the little one when she gets older.


Tracy Helgeson said...

Ooh, those gliders are a favorite around our house. We often get them for the kids and they do all sorts of odd things with them, mostly like trying to get them to fly with some sort of attachment, like a stuffed animal or something.

I look forward to seeing what YOU do with it:)

Mary Klein said...

Now I'm imagining Funny Bunny hanging from one of these things, Tracy :)

I've got lots of other ideas swirling but I'd better hold on to them and let them out in due time.

Mary Klein said...

You sound like an awesome grandmum, Eva. It also sounds like you've got a rich source of collage material going there. How nice to have those images at the ready for when you might need them.

Tracy Helgeson said...

Oh, you remember Funny Bunny! Yes, he had more than a few trips on a glider, poor guy. He usually crashed...

Mary Klein said...

My son's going to love hearing your F.B. stories!