
cold creek

The Creek in Winter; casein tempera on panel; 10" x 8"
Minnehaha Creek is frozen now.  There are tracks of many kinds along its way - including those of cross country skis, critters and human folk.  I'm a cautious hiker though and won't venture out on water ways in winter - especially those that usually flow - or might be flowing still.


Jan said...

We finally had some actual warm weather (close to 70 yesterday) but our farm pond is still frozen even though the snow is long gone. Your painting makes me very grateful that the snowy weather isn't the norm for us. Thanks for letting us view snow from a distance through your painting - it's just gorgeous.

Mary Klein said...

Thank you, Jan!

Winter up here is definitely an acquired taste. It's been snowing all day today - and the temperature is 15 degrees and falling. A good day to curl up with a book :)

Warm wishes,

Unknown said...

Nice color, wonderful cold weather, thought focusing, face chaffing, spine chilling morning walks, the painting warms to the thought!

Mary Klein said...

Thank you, David! It's gratifying to know my work evokes such a strong response and 'speaks' to you - thank you for letting me know.